Hi, I’m Danielle.
Dogworks Training Co. was founded by myself, Danielle Haffner, in the fall of 1997 and has grown into a well respected, honest, and professional dog training business. Dogworks was founded in San Diego County and has been in Los Angeles County since 1999.

My formal education started at the National institute of Dog Training under the direction of Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis in 1996-1997. I then went on to train for Uncle Matty’s Training Center for 5 years while running Dogworks Training Co. I then split from Uncle Matty in 2005 and was the sole trainer at Dogworks Training. During the recession of 2007 I opened Dogworks Boarding and Sleep away camp. It was an in-home, boutique dog boarding business I ran out of my private home for 10 years.
I’ve studied countless hours with other respected trainers in the field and attend Seminars and Expo’s. I also donate my time to “non profit animal organizations” in Los Angeles. I was involved with the rescue and relief efforts following hurricane Katrina in 2005; worked with the National Guard, Animal Planet Triage, and 16 Louisiana Veterinarians saving the helpless victims of the storm. My team was responsible for “Operation Pet Lift”, where approx. 750 dogs and hundreds of cats were relocated to other areas for safety.
I share my home with a wide variety of four legged family members and I enjoy spending time with them, when I am not on the road training.
Enrolled at the National Institute of Dog Training (Los Angeles)
Private One on One trainer San Diego/Opened Dogworks Training
In-Kennel trainer at The National Institute of Dog Training (Los Angeles)
In-home one on one trainer for “Uncle Matty’s Training Center
Saving dogs through training Salvation Army (Trainer/Instructor)
Owner and Head Trainer Dogworks Training in Los Angeles
Opened Dogworks Boarding and Sleep Away Camp